
​Seeing God through Art

Once upon a time, there lived a Master Artist.  (Spoiler: No, it isn't me; it's God.)  This Master artist created such stunning works of art in a single week that the onlookers marveled at Him and praised His awesome genius.  But He had an enemy who was so envious of the Master and His glorious works of art that, in trying to take it for himself, the Master Artist's creation itself became vandalized and marred.


Now, millennia later, many people have become so distracted by the ugliness and the distortion of the damaged creation that they struggle to see past it to the beautiful bits that remain and that reveal a little of the loveliness and the genius of the original work as it looked when it first left the hands of the Master.   


I sincerely wish I had the skill to do it justice, but, even still, with what skill I do possess, my goal in my paintings is to highlight and reflect the joy, the peace, the genius, the order, and the sheer delightful beauty of the creation and, more importantly, of the heart and mind of the Creator behind it all.